Candidate attraction
The candidate attraction service includes job ad design, posting it on various channels (paid ads are covered by the customer) and we also provide communication with candidates to create an interest in the vacancy and the company.
When attracting candidates, FITHR experts agree with the client on the most important 1-3 competencies, which are chosen as the keywords to attract target audience, as well as customer is involved in creating an employee value proposition for the specific job. For example, a company wants to hire an employee, who would work part-time and does not require many years of work experience. In this case, the main target audience could be defined as students. And then it is necessary to find out what is important for students, this age-group people and what motivates them. This process must be approached creatively, and the more benefits can be listed, the more opportunities the company has to attract the desired candidate. FITHR professionals have many years of experience in attracting great candidates, so there will be great added value in your recruitment process!
Candidate selection
First of all, we would like to point out that is a completely different service than candidate attraction. What is it then? Every recruiter regularly faces the fact that it is basically impossible to go through all of the applications for a position. For example, recruiter has 10 vacant positions with a lot of applications, and in a short period of time the team needs to be hired. In some industries candidates have to be informed about a lot of details related to the job - about certain certificates that must be obtained to work in the industry, specific work regime and other nuances. Such an interview lasts a minimum of 30 minutes, and it is not even known whether the candidate will want to continue in the recruitment. We can be an additional help to work with mass information, a large number of applications to be processed. We follow and fulfil the requirements set by the customer, which must be observed during the selection of first-round candidates, as well as during phone interviews. After that, the most suitable candidates and the obtained additional information are handed over to the customer.
Candidates from our database
There are often situations when we have met with candidates who are considered to be very good professionals in their field, but not the right one for the current vacancy. We keep such professionals in mind and include them in the candidate A list. If there is a possibility, and we have the profile of a candidate, who meets the company's culture and job requirements, we can definitely offer to consider an A list candidate for the vacancy. It is an opportunity for an employer to fill a vacancy in a very short period of time with an already evaluated, well-known candidate, who has proven himself/herself in the labour market, an employee with an impressive CV and previous work experience full of achievements.
Full-cycle recruitment
Full-cycle recruitment is a service that includes the most activities. In this case, the job profile is defined in a very detailed and precise manner, because a poorly defined job profile is in fact one of the biggest mistakes that is made in the recruitment. This is followed by a talent search process, which in this case is very creative and no limitations. In the full-cycle recruitment service, we include headhunting approach, as well as the processing of applications received from specifically selected communication channels. Selected candidates are assessed more thoroughly, including a competency interview, possible assignments, use of a capability methodology, and competency assessment with Great People Inside. If the customer wishes to perform a psychometric assessment, we can do a test using the Lumina Learning methodology. FITHR differs from other companies with a unique approach, not preaching how well we perform, but proving ourselves in work.
Individual approach
Recruitment approach is individual for each customer. The approach is based on knowing the customer's needs and values. The obtained information is used to prepare the employee and job profile, as we as to prepare the individual recruitment offer.
Innovative approach
Our specialists are experts of the latest trends in recruitment. In the selection process we use traditional channels, such as Latvian advert platforms and, as well as innovative methods –as recruitment on social media - Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram. The talent management method is also used. We create and maintain communication, relationships with professionals in various fields. A software is used to create job ads and to manage recruitment process, which allows us to provide the service quickly and with high quality. We use recruitment software staffin ( created in Latvia.
In the development of advertisements and selection management, modern software is used, which allows us to provide the service quickly and with high quality. We use staffin (, a recruitment tool created in Latvia.
- improved candidate experience;
- positive image of the employee;
- easy publication of advertisements;
- analysis of the selection process.
Marketing approach
The message, format, channels and the way of communicating with the candidates are tailored to the company and job profile. It defines where, how and when to contact candidates to attract them.
We have helped companies in the following areas:
- Engineering communications
- Construction / Real Estate
- Transport / Logistics
- Production
- Pharmacy
- Telecommunications
- Finance
- Agriculture
- Hotels and Catering
- Management